Tag: Travel
The Black Canyon of the Gunnison
It was already the next morning, the sun seeming to race across the horizon and stream into the sky. The light was just starting to pick up in the valley as we checked out, loaded up and started on our way. We were headed up to the north country, towards Rocky Mountain National Park and…
Telluride, on the way to Ouray!
The Last time I reminisced, I was thinking of our drive up over Lizard Head pass, and down into the west fork of the Dolores. We’d passed through beautiful mountain meadows, and back down to the familiar, gorgeous beauty of the Dolores river valley and the McPhee reservoir. The next series of memories that came…
Ringing Out – My last week as a PCV
In my last post I talked a little bit about how I had arranged my packing during my last week, and how I had used it to reinforce my commitment to returning to Zambia. I also spoke a little bit about the sequence of events that occurred that week. I ended up with my heading…
Packing up – planning for the year ahead
Training had come to a close, I’d begun the training program to become a Peace Corps Volunteer Leader, and I was busy readying myself internally for the next adventure. Sitting on the lower corner of my bed, I straightened and focused on my breathing. In the small, cluttered room of my lodge, I was surrounded…
Leaving my village for the last time
I left you in my last blog, sitting on my stoop, enjoying a dinner of pasta and staring up at the familiar and yet startling different night sky of the southern hemisphere. I was in a period of transition, engrossed in the beauty, peace, and sense of irreplaceable place that I’d developed in Chisunka. My…
Headed back to site, and Ntumba – May 8th-15th
Good Morning folks, It really is a beautiful morning here. A bright golden orb floating above the ethereal horizon, the mists of that magic hour burning off as the blue skies swallow up a brilliant pure light. I stepped out of the hostel into the light and it felt like my whole body came alive.…
Lake Tanganyika: Paradise for a weekend
Good Afternoon folks! I’ve been writing about my trip to Lake Tanganyika, focusing on the transport, and sharing a few photos along the way (higher quality copies can be found on my Instagram account). I’ve been sharing photo’s taken with my phone, and unfortunately the sizing and image quality isn’t quite compatible with my blog.…
On the road again. Visiting Lake Tanganyika
It was a cool rainy season morning, fluffy white clouds striated across the sky, an ominous cluster of dark, brooding rain clouds on the horizon. The sun had just begun to peak over the edge of the world. The light was a wash of sanguine pink, deep ochre and beautiful orange. A morning of light…
Off to Lake Tang!
Hello friends! I hope that you are all doing well! I’m pretty excited, and enjoying my time here in Zambia! It’s now coming up on the end of march, and I’ve got to say 2013 has been a fantastic year so far! It’s been a little while since I’ve had a chance to write, I’ve…
Our last week in Training.
Well, I guess its about time I got my blog on huh? A ton of updates coming this week. Especially regarding the fact that I am now, officially and Peace Corps Volunteer! Let me Bold that, I am now, Officially, a Peace Corps Volunteer!!!! haha. Training is completed. Our eleven weeks of intensive language, technical…