Tag: Luapula
Flash Backs
2011, November. I was sitting in my Hut, having worked on plastering and liming the burned brick walls. I’d just killed a five foot snake, who had just so happened to come and visit me in my living room. A reward was in order, and a local treat was just the right idea. Inswa (flying…
Nkonga Field Day – Weeding for a better harvest
A slideshow of photos, followed by our field day in Nkonga, Mansa District, Luapula Province, Zambia – Musonda Kalumbu and Joyce Mutono officiating.
Visiting Stephanie and meeting new friends
Good Morning! I’m continuing to post and trying to catch up, and on that note here’s the next update! I’d left my site the day before, and after settling my dad’s big Osprey backpack into a corner of the provincial house, and my little orange Quechua pack sitting on a bunk in the dorm rooms,…
Samfya! All packed up, we said goodbye to Chisunka, piled into the car and headed south. We were on the road to Lake Bengweulu, Samfya district. Samfya is something special – it’s a gorgeous lake smack dab in the southen part of Luapula. It spans two provinces and is just big enough that you can’t…
Catching up – General Updates – Wk 4-6
General update 1 wk 4. Alright guys, so I’ve had a couple questions about diet. Food security is a major issue and although food types are similar, food is seasonal and differs on availability based on location. Also nutrition education is highly limited. So here’s a general breakdown of what I’ve been eating. Staple food…
Chisunka and Second Site Visit
Wow. Where to begin. I talked a little about Second site visit and my host in my last post – Gen. Update September, but I wanted to give you some more details about the village and the area. I love it! It’s gorgeous now and it’s dry season when everything is burnt and dying… I…
Exploring – Gen. Update September
Hey all! I know it’s been a few weeks since I’ve had a chance to write and I apologize for the delay. Internet access and availability is pretty rough and unfortunately cell service can be pretty frustrating. I’ve been asking my brother to post on my behalf through text messages posted to facebook, so I’m…
PST – Brief update
Hey all, Don’t have much time, pretty tight schedule. Wanted to post a quickly typed rushed update. Doing well, no health upsets, having a blast, loving zambian people, culture, food, and the care and compassion of the Peace Corps team here. I’m really enjoying it. I got my first letter yesterday postmarked the 21st of…