Category: Travel

  • Zambia Bound, Round II

    Zambia Bound, Round II

    Home leave had been a fantastic break, and I felt recharged and ready to get back to Zambia at the end of my visit. It had been wonderful, to say the least. Visiting Home, the comfort of family and hot showers, the convenience of shopping centers, cars, electricity, a beautiful and awe inspiring road trip…

  • Heading home from the Rockies

    Heading home from the Rockies

    Hello there! Welcome back, as I mentioned in my last post, it had been a gorgeous few weeks. Our trip up and over the Rockies and then back down into Grand Lake was exhilarating. As our family wandered through the San Juan and Rocky Mountains we were treated to a stunning, exceptional series of moments…

  • Ouray!

    Hooray for Ouray! Mountains above Telluride, Headed over the pass toward Ouray We were on our way from Telluride, up over those gorgeous mountains, and across the way to Ouray. Now to be fair we actually had to go out and around those mountains, but let me tell you – the view was worth every…

  • Headed back to site, and Ntumba – May 8th-15th

    Good Morning folks, It really is a beautiful morning here. A bright golden orb floating above the ethereal horizon, the mists of that magic hour burning off as the blue skies swallow up a brilliant pure light. I stepped out of the hostel into the light and it felt like my whole body came alive.…

  • The Journey to Kalambo Falls

    Kalambo Falls is a world heritage site about 65-70km from Mpulungu. It’s a gorgeous park, and it’s one of the longest water fall (drop) in Africa. It’s stunningly gorgeous, and although it’s a little difficult to reach, it’s definitely worth it if you are up in the region. As a teaser, here’s a photo of…

  • Day one: Lake Tanganyika & Mpulungu

    We’d settled in, had a relaxing night at the waterfront, returned to the lodge and woken up to a great breakfast of cheese and crackers. I hadn’t been sleeping too well during our trip up, the stress of travel and the heat putting my body on an interesting cycle – I’d been heading to bed…

  • Lake Tanganyika: Paradise for a weekend

    Good Afternoon folks! I’ve been writing about my trip to Lake Tanganyika, focusing on the transport, and sharing a few photos along the way (higher quality copies can be found on my Instagram account). I’ve been sharing photo’s taken with my phone, and unfortunately the sizing and image quality isn’t quite compatible with my blog.…

  • Kasama to Mpulungu:

    In my last note I described our journey from Mansa town to Kasama in Northern Provice, and although the size and resolution doesn’t quite work on my blog, I uploaded a few photo’s from the journey. We were exhausted when we reached the provincial house in Kasama – Each province that has Peace Corps Volunteers…

  • On the road again. Visiting Lake Tanganyika

    It was a cool rainy season morning, fluffy white clouds striated across the sky, an ominous cluster of dark, brooding rain clouds on the horizon. The sun had just begun to peak over the edge of the world. The light was a wash of sanguine pink, deep ochre and beautiful orange. A morning of light…

  • Catching up

    It’s been a while! Almost the entire month of December slipped by since I last had a chance to write. And bow january is almost past as well. It’s important to note that a lot has happened in the last months, including a village Hannukah, a social Christmas with friends and a wonderful new year!…