Category: General

  • Working with Data

    Working with Data

    The Indigenous Navigator is an amazing initiative, a consortium of support organisations, indigenous peoples organisations, and institutional members. Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, Tebtebba Foundation, Forest Peoples Pact, the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, the Danish Institute for Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation. Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to…

  • Navigating Global Governance for Indigenous Rights

    Navigating Global Governance for Indigenous Rights

    Working within IWGIA’s Global Governance team has presented a unique opportunity to influence global policies that directly impact indigenous peoples. As part of the team, I have been able to collaborate with international stakeholders, support our partners and colleagues as they advocate for indigenous representation and rights, and work towards holding duty bearers accountable to…

  • 2019 – a Third year in Copenhagen

    2019 – a Third year in Copenhagen

    As I looked toward starting my fourth year in Copenhagen, I was filled with excitement and anticipation. This July, instead of being in Denmark my brother and I embarked and headed across the ocean to Arizona. A trip to the United States to visit our parents! We had not seen them in person for over…

  • Launch of the Indigenous World 2019

    Launch of the Indigenous World 2019

    I wanted to share with you some of the exciting work I have been doing in the past year as a Programme Coordinator for IWGIA, an international human rights organisation that supports Indigenous peoples’ rights and self-determination. One of my main responsibilities is to coordinate the Indigenous Navigator project, which is a framework and set…

  • Embarking on a new Journey

    Embarking on a new Journey

    In December, I began my journey with the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) on the Indigenous Navigator and in the Global Governance Team. As part of my role, I will be coordinating the 2019 edition of the Indigenous World, an essential publication that sheds light on indigenous peoples’ rights. Joining an exceptional international…

  • Understanding Zambia: History and Reflections Pt III

    Understanding Zambia: History and Reflections Pt III

    In February’s segment I wrote a little bit about the history of Zambia, and I touched on nationalization. I wanted to return to that point in today’s reflection on Zambia. Now, public opinion maintains that Kaunda’s decision to nationalize the copper mines was more political than economic. He was advised on multiple fronts that the…

  • Understanding Zambia: History and Reflections Pt. II

    Understanding Zambia: History and Reflections Pt. II

    In January’s segment on Zambia and Zambian History, I wrote about Zambia’s development as a country under colonial rule, and simplified its path through its transition to independence. In this section I’d like to talk more about the next phase of Zambian History – particularly it’s evolution as a free country, and some of it’s…

  • Highlight from our Danish Roadtrip: Rubjerg Knude!

    Highlight from our Danish Roadtrip: Rubjerg Knude!

    As we wound and wandered our way through northern Jutland (mainland Denmark), we stopped over in Aalborg, and spent the night in a lovely AirBnB. The next morning it was on to adventure, and the day held a series of beautiful forests, preserves, and the fantastic Rubjerg Knude Fyr! The Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse. (Beautiful Forest…

  • Valley of Fire Photos!

    Valley of Fire Photos!

    I posted last week with a couple of photo’s and a brief introduction to the Valley of Fire, but I wanted to follow up with a link to the photo album on Flickr! You can find more of these Photos at: David N. Berger’s Flickr Album: Valley of Fire

  • 39 Months in Zambia

    39 Months in Zambia

    Looking back at the last 39 months in Zambia is a unique feeling. On July 17th 2011, I embarked on a life changing journey. An experience that was unlike anything else I had ever imagined or experienced. A whole new world, one which I’d never been introduced to – one ignored by our world history…