Plitviće Jazeera:
Plitvice national park is an example of the unbelivable beauty found in Croatia. Croatia has defied my every expectation. I’ve discovered parks, beautiful coasts, friendly people full of smiles and friendly advice, and a culture dedicated to their traditions and life.
Plitvice itself is a national park built around a series of lakes which overflow from each other and create a dazzeling series of waterfalls as the waters stumbles from one lake to the next. The only way I know how to describe the waterfals is by referencing stone. They are like white diamond froth spilling over and punching through the limestone and softer earth, spouting down into green tipped blue sapphires sparkling and scintilating the mind and the senses. The clarity and depth of the water – perfect blues and greens combined with the explosion of water and froth from the lakes above is a beauty which defies explanation. To truly appriciate it you need to be there in person, to see the water, feel the mist, and smell the forest and wildlife which has grown up around these lakes.
We wandered around the boardwalks from Pt. 4 and the top lake down toward the biggest lake and biggest waterfall at pt 1. from Pt. 4 to Pt. 2 are sets of smallers waterfalls, hundreds in total which reach across the border between the lakes. As you wander around the natural boardwalk (made of wood from the surrounding forests) you find yourself at points walking on the shores, or across the shallows and even climbing your way inches above a tumbling waterfall.
I can’t express how much beauty was contained in that park. But as soon as I can recover my video’s and foto’s from the harddrive of my crashed computer I can share those with you!
More about Split and Dubrovnik soon!
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